Your Position : Product > KNEE
    Knee Brace with Cold Hot Pack
    No. :
    Size :
    Free Size
    Material :
    Neoprene, plastic ring, velcro

    <div> &bull;Knee join and muscle aches and pains, arthritis, bursitis and meniscus tear, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, athletic sport sprains / strains, sleep, throbbing, stiffness, pinched nerve, surgery, bruises, sprains, strains, knotted muscles, inflammation and tightness.&nbsp;</div> <div> &bull;Useful for exercises, sports and general relaxation.</div>
    1.Get the hot and cold knee wrap and use it daily! The adjustable straps will give you the most comfortable and secure fit!
    2.Double Knot Design, fully adjustable strap offered flexibility to make adjustment for tightness.